Damavand info, Ascending the South Face
February 23, 2019Damavand Trekking
February 24, 2019
How to climb Damavand from the northern face
First you should take Haraz road towards north of Iran. After Gazanak you go 7 kilometers till reach Nandal village. At Nandal there is a shelter for climbers.
This part of road is a little tricky and you should take a good and high skills driver.
From Tehran to Nandal is about four hours.
After you reach to Nandal you should take Jeeps.
After one hour walk you will reach to a big stone that is known among locals as Resting Stone.
Then you will arrive the first shelter at the height of 3850 meters. 15 people are able to stay inside the first shelter. From the Resting Stone to the first shelter it is two hours and thirty minutes walk.
Then you ascend till reach the second shelter at the height of 4800 meters. 15 people can stay inside. The route got deep steeps and near the shelter you should climb some rocks. Inside the shelter 18 people can stay.
At the northern face of Damavand it is difficult to find water compared to other faces and maybe you need to melt the snow to make water. So please arrange your climb sharply.
For climbing Damavand from the North Face you should be acclimatized well because at the northern face of Damavand you have a deep steep and and the shelter is located at higher altitude compared to the southern shelter.
From the second shelter to the top there is about seven hours ascend.
In climbing the northern face of Damavand please follow the hour 14 rule. according to the rule continue ascending till 2 pm. at 2 pm wherever you are do not continue ascending and go back to the shelter.
If you wanna go back from top of Damavand to the second shelter, it take about 4 hours.
For more consultation please contact us: info@taymazadventure.com